"I miss your heart. No one knows the rhythm of every beat the way that I do. I miss the creases in your smile and that sleepy look you give me when you want more of my love that I carry between my arms. I stood at the end, finding my demons’ eyes in the shadows of my darkest hell … but you saved me. I’ve felt you cry deep in my soul, we mourned together of a life... that could never be … still it remains that I miss your heart. No one knows the rhythm of every beat the way that I do. Every blink in the stares that you sent my way, your lashes waving hello there sweetheart, and in your eyes I could read I love you perfectly and simple. There was no complexity when it came to knowing your love … our love was an old age type … matured over centuries of a time, finding a settle within the midst of one another. I know what having a thirsty soul feels like … beaten down on a path defeated by the sun’s hottest performance … I was deprived … that was until you saved me. I will forever chase after your love and carry you with me and thank you always for loving me past a dull aching pain that I just moved along life within. You Sir surprised me and woke me from a lethargic state, bringing me into this so called living I have heard others speak of … you saved me. I miss your heart. No one knows the rhythm of every beat the way that I do … it’s my love song."